Learn About the Advantages of Dental Implants

Some people are lucky to go through life into old age with a strong and healthy set of teeth. However, accidents or health conditions may intervene and you may lose one or several teeth. In some cases, your dentist may have to remove them in order to limit the amount of damage.

What are your options in this case? You could choose a dental bridge, a denture or other tooth replacement options. If you want to restore your confident smile and never have to worry about people noticing that you don’t have real teeth, you should choose dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

An implant is an artificial tooth that resembles the shape and color of a natural tooth. It is inserted in the empty spot left by the tooth that fell or had to be removed. In essence, it is the form of tooth replacement most similar to a real tooth.

There are many reasons why most patients opt for dental implants. The first of all is the fact that the implant is a permanent, immobile tooth replacement. Bridges may become lose, and dentures are removable for hygienic purposes (cleaning sanitizing). But a dental implant will stay in place.

Here are some valid reasons to consider a dental implant, even though it is more expensive than other tooth replacement options:

Parker dental implants

  1. Custom Made to Match the Other Teeth

A dental implant is always custom made. The Parker dental implants specialist will select a model in a specialized catalog, matching the shape, size and color of your teeth. They will send the precise specifications to the technician who produces the implant.

Once it is inserted in your jawbone, the dental implant will be indistinguishable from the rest of your natural teeth.

  1. Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss

Once a tooth is removed, the bone in your jaw around the open space is likely to become eroded. The jawbone tissue needs the stimulation of the teeth to stay healthy. Once a tooth is removed, this stimulation disappears. However, dental implants have the same beneficial effect as natural teeth. They are, in fact, the only form of tooth replacement that can play this role for healthy bone tissues.

  1. No Changes in Speech

People with dentures notice a change in the way they speak. Some of them develop a stutter or other forms of speech defects. The reason for this is that mobile dentures affect the way people pronounce sounds, letters and words.

Dental implants do not cause any change to your natural speech pattern. You will not feel any different from the way you were speaking when you had all your natural teeth.

  1. Dental Implants Are Easy to Care For

When you have dentures, you have to prepare for lifelong expenses with special cleaning solutions and adhesive substances to keep them in place. Having dental implants does not involve any special form of care. All you have to do is floss and brush your teeth as usual.

  1. Dental Implants Maintain the Shape of Your Face

Your face has its shape thanks to your forehead, cheekbones, jaw and teeth. Yes, teeth provide structure to human face. Once you lose several of them, the features appear sunken in and you look older.

Dental implants give you back the full, radiant shape of your face. Plus, you will have all the confidence to face the world with a big, bright smile.